Thursday, January 8, 2009

sharing a few pics

I got a new camera lens for Christmas and I was playing around and snapped this. It's a Frisbee full of Army men.


This is the buck that Donnie shot while we were on our hunting trip. BTW-I did shoot one but after 2 hours of tracking in the dark Donnie and Judd (I was helping until the trail crossed a fence line and there was no way they were getting my pregnant butt over the fence!) had to give up b/c the trail just ended. Just call me the Gourmet Chef to the Wild. It might not have been us that ate the doe but dang it SOMETHING did! Those coyotes/buzzards/whatever else better be grateful!


My munchkinhead playing on New Years Day


My guys


Pretty Miss Manda and a silly little doggie


1 comment:

  1. Jess, the pics look great! Welcome to the world of blogging!!
