Back before Christmas I found these stripey scarves at Target in the Dollar Spot and picked up a couple. I love me some stripes! I had been planning to use them for leggings for winter but never got around to making them. One of them was used last week on Harleigh's birthday dolly so they were fresh on my mind and when the idea for this outfit popped into my head I knew just what to grab. The 2 scarves that were left and a couple of brightly colored t-shirts that had been rescued from my sisters Goodwill pile. While Judd watched NCIS I got to work cutting out tons of little flowers. While the Lady Ags whooped it up on Baylor I sewed. When the sewing was done I designed and painted Tiki Toola (don't ask it just came to me). Then this morning I tried it on the little miss and HELLO CUTENESS!
The little flowers are sewn with a single line of stitching across the middle area to enable them to curl a little and give that 3D affect. There are little flowers sewn on the ends of each tie strap as well for a small punch of color and interest. The tiki mask was painted using a freezer paper stencil from a hand drawing I did.
I wanted to take her to The Boat for pictures but it was lunch time and I chickened out so we went to the park instead.